Which stores sell Schmidt Old Tyme Bread in my area?
Head over to our Store Locator to find a store near you!
Do your products contain any of the following allergens: Wheat, Soy, Egg, Milk, Peanut and/or other common allergens?
Our bakeries do produce some products containing Wheat, soy, milk, and eggs may be present in the bakeries. We follow the FDA Good Manufacturing Practices for cleaning our bakeries and lines after an allergen is run through. To determine if any allergens are used in a specific product, please refer to the individual product page on our website or back of packaging, to review a list of all ingredients present in the product.
Do you sell your bread online?
At this time, Schmidt Old Tyme does not sell directly to consumers. If you are looking for a certain bread, check out our store locator, or contact us today to help answer any questions you may have around product availability.
**Please be aware that unauthorized third parties may be trying to sell our product directly to you online. Schmidt Old Tyme is not responsible or associated with these sellers, and cannot confirm freshness and quality of the products being offered**
I would like to carry your bread in my store...who do I need to talk to about wholesale opportunities?
For more information on our wholesale & distribution opportunities, check out our sister company H&S Bakery to connect with a sales rep today!
Do you offer any keto-friendly products?
Check out our line of 647 breads. Our variety of bread options are made to support those trying to live a better-for-you lifestyle.
Are your breads Kosher?
All of our products are Kosher certified!
How can I apply for a job?
To apply for a job with Schmidt, check out our open positions